【和牛】More information on Japanese Wagyu beef
【魚介類】More information on Japanese Seafood
海に囲まれた国土と、豊かな山や森から流れる川 に恵まれた日本は、多くの種類の魚介類が育まれ、日本食文化を支えています。
企業名 | 住所 | TEL | TEL | |||
エリア | 対応可能国 | 対応可能国 |
株式会社築地太田 |
104-0045 東京都中央区築地5-2-1 東卸新事務所102 |
03-3545-5965 | |
アジア | 香港、ベトナム、シンガポール、マカオ | ||
【取り扱い商品】 水産物全般
永葉國際有限公司(エバーリーフ インターナショナル) |
0024252 台灣新北市新莊區頭興街188號 |
02-2998-3101 | |
アジア | 台湾 | ||
【取り扱い商品】 冷凍水産加工品、冷凍半製品、カレーソース、各種日本の冷凍品代行輸入
各種 在台湾日系レストラン様と御取引を行う、メーカー的立ち位置を持つ輸入問屋。 冷凍製品は台湾・日本・タイ・ベトナム・中国にて加工を行っております(例:ホッケ、青森さば、馬頭鯛、寿司用甘エビetc)。 その他、台湾国内提携工場にて揚げもの(フライ品)や、カレーソースの製造なども行っております。 日本国内各種メーカーと連携し各種日本の商材のご紹介や、レストラン様がすでに日本国内にてPB開発し、使用されているもので輸入代行を行うなど、物流のお手伝いもお手伝いさせていただいております。 台湾に出店の際は、ぜひご相談下さいませ。 |
J2U International K.K. |
464-0036 愛知県名古屋市千種区本山町3-25-1 |
09091825410 | |
アフリカ | All | ||
【取り扱い商品】 All
J2U (for: Japan to You!) is dedicated to bringing the best of Japanese food and drink to the rest of the world. We work with both small and large suppliers to give our overseas customers the greatest possible variety. Let us source the products you are looking for. We’re looking forward to hearing from you, so please contact us today! |
0000000 R CARAMURU 377 SAUDE, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL, CDEP. 04138-001 |
55-11-999940601 | |
アフリカ | ANGOLA, S.AFRICA | ||
It was through de families Muller & Wallauer, around 1965, in Salvador do Sul, that Naturovos borned. After more than 40 years and through several investments, Naturovos built an ample and modern structure and became one of the biggest egg exporters from Brazil. In 2007, increasing its actuation at the market, Naturovos invested on installing an industry of pasteurized eggs, with a modern project and quality control in full time. In 2008, Naturovos started with its range of powder eggs, which uses the technology Box Dryer, creating a final product with the same properties as the “in natura” egg. These are the results of high investments in technology, infrastructure and human resources, which are the recognize characteristics of Naturovos worldwide. Nowadays, the company exports to more than 30 countries from Africa and Middle East, being the biggest producer of eggs from South of Brazil. Naturovos takes part of social programs, contributing with its projects on areas like health, environment and education. Being a socially responsible company, acts regionally and understands that the assistance to entities which cares about the well being it´s the better way to retribute to the society its good performance on business and its evolution as company at the market. Besides the campaign against the waste, applicable in all operational units, Naturovos has the conscience on searching solutions in materials and logistic which collaborates with a lesser environmental impact, preserving sources on natural resources, like the development of promotional materials, always with refit options. Naturovos is located in Brazil- Rio Grande do Sul state- Salvador do Sul city – RST 470- Km 260. It was through de families Muller & Wallauer, around 1965, in Salvador do Sul, that Naturovos borned. After more than 40 years and through several investments, Naturovos built an ample and modern structure and became one of the biggest egg exporters from Brazil. In 2007, increasing its actuation at the market, Naturovos invested on installing an industry of pasteurized eggs, with a modern project and quality control in full time. In 2008, Naturovos started with its range of powder eggs, which uses the technology Box Dryer, creating a final product with the same properties as the “in natura” egg. These are the results of high investments in technology, infrastructure and human resources, which are the recognize characteristics of Naturovos worldwide. Nowadays, the company exports to more than 30 countries from Africa and Middle East, being the biggest producer of eggs from South of Brazil. Naturovos takes part of social programs, contributing with its projects on areas like health, environment and education. Being a socially responsible company, acts regionally and understands that the assistance to entities which cares about the well being it´s the better way to retribute to the society its good performance on business and its evolution as company at the market. PLS FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATIONS.E-MAIL: lauro.sambabusiness@live.com |
テクスケムフード |
1234567 Level 18, Menara Boustead Penang, 39, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Penang, Malaysia. |
+6012-418-2997 | |
アフリカ | 全域 | ||
【取り扱い商品】 Soft Shell Crab
Texchem Group, are the largest supplier of Soft Shell Crab in the world. We have our own farms and processing factories in Myanmar. We can offer your preferable sizes with the best price. Please let us know if you are interested in this product. |
株式会社三佐和 |
665-0845 兵庫県宝塚市栄町1-18-2 |
0797-86-2423 | |
アフリカ | モロッコ、他 | ||
【取り扱い商品】 野菜、果物、海産物、畜産物、飲料品、加工品、冷凍食品、酒類、非アルコール飲料、調味料
創業106年の確かな知識と、販売力、商品調達ルートで、世界中へ食材をお届けします。アジア向けには、現地サプライヤー様向けに、弊社で各レストラン様毎に、現地まで鮮度を保つよう細かく梱包してお渡しする業務に取り組んでおります。 |
J2U International K.K. |
464-0036 愛知県名古屋市千種区本山町3-25-1 |
09091825410 | |
オセアニア | All | ||
【取り扱い商品】 All
J2U (for: Japan to You!) is dedicated to bringing the best of Japanese food and drink to the rest of the world. We work with both small and large suppliers to give our overseas customers the greatest possible variety. Let us source the products you are looking for. We’re looking forward to hearing from you, so please contact us today! |
3210403 165 Kewdale Road, Kewdale, Western Australia |
+61 08 9353 6444 | |
オセアニア | オーストラリア | ||
【取り扱い商品】 日本食を中心とする食材や酒類、生活雑貨
NIPPON FOOD SUPPLIESは、レストラン、テイクアウト店、ホテル、卸売店、小売店などのお客様へ、商品をお届けするだけでなく、迅速できめ細やかなサービスを心がけています。お気軽にお問合せ下さい。また、ニュージーランドには、関連会社であるTOKYO FOODがございます。 |
1060 A 37-41 Carbine Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland, New Zealand |
+64-9-570-5792 | |
オセアニア | ニュージーランド | ||
【取り扱い商品】 日本食材を中心とする食材、酒類、雑貨
食品・酒類・雑貨の輸入及び卸売業、小売販売。TOKYO FOODは、ニュージーランド主要4都市に店舗を構え、全国のレストラン、テイクアウト店、ケータリング、ホテル、卸売店、小売店へのサービスを行っております。個別の店舗の様々なニーズに対応できるよう、日本食に関する商材はすべて取り扱っております。お気軽にお問合せ下さい。また、オーストラリアには、関連会社であるNIPPON FOOD SUPPLIES がございます。 |
テクスケムフード |
1234567 Level 18, Menara Boustead Penang, 39, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Penang, Malaysia. |
+6012-418-2997 | |
オセアニア | 全域 | ||
【取り扱い商品】 Soft Shell Crab
Texchem Group, are the largest supplier of Soft Shell Crab in the world. We have our own farms and processing factories in Myanmar. We can offer your preferable sizes with the best price. Please let us know if you are interested in this product. |